- Wep Skill rework, new Racial Wep Skills, Skill Books (SoD placeholders)
- Racials: percep crit, helf agimod, nelf haste, nerfed troll, nerfed + nogcd orc, undead gnome and troll %dam
- Buffs: Sunder cost reduced, BR self-enrage, R E N D
- Nerfs: Offhand bonus from HS/cleave removed, hamstring cd, lv60 BT base+scaling, bugged new mortal strike values
- DPS Talents: new 2h spec, new imp slam, Master of arms, boundless, prec cut reck exe and new exe values, dw offhit bonus, imp Whirlwind, new unbridled
- Itemization: All Changelog updates, gemstone enchants, and new alt tier but not the new set bonuses, Anni potency nerf and ppm buff
- MH/OH skill stat weighting
To Do: (i am accepting PRs)
-new rage gen formula
-dps t1 t2 t3 set bonuses
-pummel as dmg and flurry fisher, and sunder as proc fisher
-slam rework
-sweeping strikes (upstream needs this too)
-prot talents but who cares?